Sunday, August 19, 2012

4 Awesome Bible Teachers on the Go!

My Pastor provides awesome preaching and teaching on Sundays but during the week I get hungry for more!!!  What do I do on the other days of the week?  I turn to these four guys...  
100% of the time; I learn something awesome about God every time!  

1. Joesph Prince 
Joseph Prince - Freedom From Condemnation Leads To Divine Health - 05 Aug 12

Grace, grace, grace, grace, grace!

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!  If you ever doubt God's presence in your life or don't feel like your worthy of his love, Pastor Prince is the man to listen to.  He emphasizes that the entire bible seeks to express one message... God loves us more than we could ever imagine and he extends grace to anyone who believes in his son.

I DVR his messages or catch them on YouTube but you can find Pastor Prince's schedule for your area here:
2. Alistair Begg
Alistair Begg- Half a Gospel is no Gospel at all

Whatever the bible says is what Alistair Begg is going to say... Only he's going to say it in an awesome Scottish accent!  He can paint a disastrous picture of mans ability to screw things up and then a glorious picture of God's grace to fix it.  Whenever he is on the radio, I'm listening.  And when I am done listening to Alistair Begg, I have learned something about God that I won't soon forget!

1160 AM @ 7:30am (Mon. - Fri)
90.1 FM @ 7pm (Mon. - Fri)

 3. James Ford Jr.
Pastor Ford Compares Us to Superman
The man can make it plain.  He has the insight that comes with a PhD combined with the perspective of a former drug dealer.  He knows firsthand that God offers salvation to anyone regardless of your past or current condition. He's funny, easy to follow, and he speaks in plain English!  Many an evening I have sat in my car outside my house listening and learning from Pastor Ford.  In fact, other people who I didn't think would want to listen to preaching on the radio have stayed out there with me just to hear him.

Sometimes, if I close my eyes, I even think I'm listening to my father again!  

90.1 FM @ 9:30pm (Mon. - Fri)

4. Greg Laurie
A Short Biography of Greg Laurie

The first time I heard Greg Laurie I was at the All State Arena.  Some 10,000 people filled the stadium for a concert that ended with a message from Pastor Laurie.  At the end, hundreds of people filled the stadium floor, either to accept Christ or rededicate their lives to him.  Why was he so effective?  I think it's because he speaks in plain language and makes a lot of sense.  It's not the flashiest approach in the world but it's clear, concise, and entertaining.

AM 1160 @ 7am (Mon. - Fri)

Who do you like to listen to during the week? 

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