Thursday, September 13, 2012

God is so Good!

How great is God?   Think about it… Think about all the stuff you’ve done that should have really qualified us for gasoline undies and a first class ticket to you know where!  How many times have you done what you wanted to do knowing it was wrong?  How much of the bible do you really know?  Can you define Justification, Sanctification, Substitution and Repentance?  And even if you can, can you live a life worthy of these principles? 

In reality, we are not at all worthy of God’s goodness!  We aren’t worthy of his love!  I alone am selfish in my prayers, often unable (or unwilling) to abstain from sin, arrogant, and too quick to follow my own advice. 

But he still loves me!  He still protects me and elevates me and provides for me!  He is still desperately trying to get me to understand that he is good far beyond my wildest dreams of what he can be in my life.  He has no reason to obligate himself to me.  I mean, I didn’t do anything right, or good.  I am not better than anyone else in anyway.  But if I were the only man on the planet, Jesus still would have died on the cross for my sins.  If your sinful butt were the only human on the planet… Christ would still have died for you.  He even died for those who will never believe in him.  Why, I don’t know, but I’m glad that he did.  He died so to open the door to God to all of us… so that even a hardened Atheist might one day reconsider and receive eternal life! 

If you know that Jesus loves you, please share his love with others.  And if you don’t believe in him, I pray that you will get to know him the way that I am getting to know him.  He is worthy of all of the Glory and Praise.  He WILL change your life.